dua lipa x jaguar #thepace | want to [artsikey Remix of PACE Remix]

This is my result of trying to create remix of Dua Lipa's "Want To" https://remix.jointhepace.com/remix/SrzI6pJqI . The beat is somewhat light, but as the original song is already catchy as it is, the final result is still fun to listen. It says that it's based on my Spotify data, might be a mixed of quite... Continue Reading →

Uniquely Fun: Soundcloud Cover

Me & My Broken Heart Lonely No More (Rixton - Rob Thomas) These two twin songs existed separately on their own then (seemingly) randomly meet each other! what a weird ENCOUNTER 🙂 its been soo long since such fun and interesting editing sessions! thank you soooo much for helping me out with the cover-artwork, and... Continue Reading →

App’s UI Design (DeviantArt)

App's UI Design (DeviantArt) i'm liking the overall design of deviation's detail screen. it enhanced the deviation displayed, no matter how sketchy it is. the darkened color of its background, and its gradation from the deviation section, is just pretty, like framing the deviation in a good way. and then theres this iconic tabs of... Continue Reading →

#veronikadecidestolive #spam "Have you ever wondered why the keys on a typewriter are arranged in that particular order (QWERTY)?” after put this book aside for nearly half a year, i managed to finish it in just a couple of hours (with additional couple more hours to write this). and i'm overwhelmed with excitement. to say... Continue Reading →

Artwork Review: Aurora Wienhold

detailed view of Aurora Wienhold's painting. kalau ada yg tanya artist medium digital yang inspiratif secara pribadi saya akan jawab yuumei (banyak juga sih yang lain), nah kalau medium tradisional khususnya watercolor painting si auroraink.deviantart.com ini yang saya anggap mahadewa, apalagi kalau temanya people. kalau yang konseptual kaya yuumei lupa siapa aja namanya. - with... Continue Reading →

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